Another entry for Illustration Friday, this week... sprout. This is "Little Miss Garlic Sprout". Everyday she wishes for someone to share her sunset and wine. She has a great personality, but maybe just a bit too much odor.
This may be a bit of a stretch for "sprout". While I was thinking about the subject I saw this garlic going to sprout in my kitchen. What's sad is it was only bought a few days before. That's how fresh our market is up here in this small town. Sad huh?
This is an ACEO, a small art card, 2.5x3.5 inches.
I really like this piece. So vibrant and bold! I'm amazed at the color you obtained and the beautiful line work.
This is really adorable. I love Miss Sprout's sad story, too.
yeah that's very sad. but good thing is it gave you great idea to work with. turn out great i think!
This is great! very very cool and a clever idea!
Surely there must be a Mr. Garlic out there somewhere....
Cute picture. I like the colors.
Awww..how ADORABLE!!! Love your paintings!!!!
Im in So. cal too!!! In Riverside County!!!
Can I add your blog to mine??
How fun!
This is delightful! I love the effects of the watercolors and the fine linework...very nice!
Great work! so vibrant!
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