Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Fifi The Wonder Dog - Art2

The Art2 Theme Week is "Circus." I've done Art Squared before, but this is the first time I've participated in the eBay group - Art2.

This is "Fifi The Wonder Dog." She's able to spread love and magic all while doing a balancing act with her busy life.

It is acrylic on 5x5 inch plywood. With lots of glitter and a final coat of acrylic matte varnish. Yeah, plywood is not the highest quality, but I like the way these look hanging on a wall in a group of other art squared. And once painted look very folksy and whimsical.

You can find it here on etsy.

1 comment:

Gerushia's New World said...

This is really cute. I think it would look lovely in a whimsical little girl's room.

I love doing art2. Actually, I haven't done one for quite some time. I guess I need to put that on my getting longer by the minute list of things to do!

Garden Painter Art